affiliate marketing


LATEST RESULTS Monday, December 26, 2011
(Keep reading to find out why this Automated Tool
generates RAPID results and is SO damn IMPORTANT)

Date: Monday, December 26, 2011
To: Serious Candidates Only

I’ve been quietly watching things in the internet marketing arena over the last few months.
And quite frankly...
I’ve been really disturbed by what I’ve seen.

Let me get something off my chest...

Please leave now...
You should know by now that these simply don’t exist...
Look, I’m glad to see that you’re still here...
I need to ask you a really important question. Read this carefully...

Read every word of this short letter... find out how you how this automated software beats out brutal competition from HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of affiliates...

And how you can tap into those traffic movements for instant commission (leaving the competition in your trail).

Now, I’m not saying this simple-to-use tool has anything to do with the Lottery or that this is some get-rich-quick scheme.
We already know they don’t exist.
But imagine being able to place yourself in the right place ahead of time.

This has nothing to do with Cell Phone marketing, Twitter, Facebook, JVs, PLR, Article Spinning, list building, breaking PPV, ad swaps, video marketing, being a salesman, attending conferences, learning new methods every week, forum-posting, launches, breaking laws or terms of service...

I’m the only person using this plug n play software.

Just over the last year, I’ve made...

I hate to sound like I’m showing off because that’s not my style.
In fact, I hate revealing any of my private data.
But you need to understand that I’m qualified to talk to you about making money online, especially with ClickBank.

In just 1 year, this ClickBank account has sucked in more money for me than most people can dream of making in their entire lives.
And that’s just one account.
Here’s another...
And another...
And can see that all of these payments are incredibly recent.
Look at the recent paychecks on this account (which is the same account I first showed you) – they’re insane!

Here’s that same account....

And here's a different account which I've also shown you above.
Here’s a Plimus account siphoning in more recent cash...
And another account which is even more recent.
Here’s more solid proof of income on Paypal...

I’m a full-time affiliate and part of the elite Apex ClickBank Affiliate program.
That’s not something you can buy or get as a prize in some cereal box.

Before my stressed-out lawyer gets on the phone and throws a hissy fit at me, I’m legally obliged to tell you two things...
First of all, these are my own results and any profit claims I make relate solely to my own experience is a brand new product and system and as such there is no history of earnings from its use. And since it's never been published before, right now there are no typical results.
OK, now that my lawyer can sleep easier again, I want to quickly tell you just a little bit more about me.

I started my affiliate marketing and traffic generation business almost 3 years ago.

I’m a happily married man with a wonderful family that I spend as much time with as possible.

The company I founded is called Responsible E-Publishing and I run it from an office in Didsbury, England.

I have a large number of staff working for me that are located all around the world.

And this secret software that I’m about to share with you is a big reason why my business is so successful.

Sick of a boss who considers you a punchbag...
Sick of staring at a bank account that’s got tumbleweeds running through it...
The luck was never with me, and it SUCKED.

Eventually, I decided I needed to look for ways to make money...

But not just any insider information....
Information I could use to actually pay off my debts and escape from punching a clock like every cubicle rat.
It was purely by accident, that I stumbled across the idea of making money through the internet...

Each time I was convinced this would be THE ONE.
...only to come crashing down to the reality that I’d been burned again.

I’m not a violent person but even I’d have given anything topunch the lights out of the nameless, gutless gurus...
...the snake-oil salesmen who’d slap together a fancy sales page...
And fake storyline...
Hooking me into clicking the “add to cart” button...
Only to present me with an utterly useless PLR product, or even worse, a simple article spinner as their “secret”.
They made me feel SO small.

I soon realized that most of these hucksters disguising themselves as “traffic gurus”...
...are really no more than email marketers driving most of their traffic through email lists and JV partners.
But I couldn’t give up the chase for a product that would actually WORK.

Eventually...I had ENOUGH.
I’d reached my breaking point.
It dawned on me that no matter what I tried...
I realized I wasn’t alone.
One day, I stared at my computer and took a glance at all the threads on a popular affiliate marketing forum.
Everyone on there was discussing the same old techniques...
Strategies I’d been toiling with, till the cows come home.

Pay attention here, this is crucial...
When you find yourself on the side of the majority...
It’s time to STOP and reflect...

It never was. It never will be.
If you’ve been scammed before...
What I need you to do right now is ditch all of that negative energy.
Because until today...

Think about it. Right now on ClickBank alone there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of AFFILIATES.
And ClickBank’s only one affiliate platform.
Think about the affiliate network of huge companies like Commission Junction, Plimus, Amazon to name but a few...

The good news is that online traffic banks are GARGANTUAN...
...and they’re still getting BIGGER and BIGGER...

Here’s a FACT to back that up.

In the first quarter of 2011 alone, U.S. households spent more than$46 billion at online retailers.


That’s 10 times bigger than the amount spent in the entire year of 1999.

So the challenge is to beat out the intense affiliate competition and get to the traffic that really matters....
...get to it FIRST.
Sounds easy, right? It’s not...
...unless you know exactly where to look for the traffic and exactly where it’s moving next.
That’s the critical point here...

When I realized this, I ended up coming across a GAME-CHANGING tactic.
I discovered secret, raw, virtually untapped niches which were being neglected by practically all affiliates.
Niches considered “weak” and “unprofitable”.
But where others saw poverty...I saw opportunity.
A chance to be the first to “strike gold” in that niche before anyone else realized what had been overlooked.
It suddenly dawned on me...

I realized that this could be something huge...
But the problem was where the hell would I find a programmer who could code software like this?
This is probably where you’d expect me to tell you that I instantly stumbled across some kind of rogue Chinese hacker...
...who sold me alien technology…
I could tell you that...
It’s a lot more exciting than me busting my balls over the next 6 weeks...
Sat bleary-eyed at my computer, coffee stains on my t-shirt...
Delving into the depths of my savings account to stump up yet more hard-earned cash for this final fling...
I took my time mapping out the possibilities and it was pretty daunting.
Using existing technology is easy...
Inventing a new automated method based on predicting future trends is no joke.

I must have given up on the whole thing 18 times.
Especially after countless emails from programmers laughing at me and telling me I’m crazy...
Until finally...
I found my guy...

I didn’t know this at the time, but one of his previous employers gave him the nickname “The Resurrector”.

Because he specialized in taking on the most difficult jobs...

And transforming the most ancient, lifeless and useless code into REAL, powerful, automated software.

Sounds a bit like some character from some 1970’s comic book but I can promise you...
Even a man of his reputation was daunted by the sheer enormity of the task.

It took a few crazy weeks…
And I mean (super) late-night conference calls...
...endless take-outs…
And nights where I felt like punching holes through the walls of my own house...
With persistence and by sheer determination, we started making progress...
The challenge was to train a machine to analyze LIVE data and run it in a way which would accurately predict future trends.

Have you ever seen the film Inception?
The weird concepts and the inexplicable twists made my head hurt.
But in the end, I knew that everything had worked out.
In the same way, I didn’t have to understand the code behind our software. That was my programmer’s job.

All I cared about was whether it ACTUALLY WORKS.

I’ll never forget that shot of Jack Daniels I knocked back before putting it to the test...
If my programmer had been anywhere near me when I saw the first results...
I swear I would have bear-hugged him and planted a huge sloppy kiss on his forehead.
In honour of my programmer’s nickname “The Ressurector”, I called this software “Affiliate Resurrection”.

Stunning 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial Of Software Which Automatically Creates Websites
Includes Cutting-Edge Traffic Techniques To Target, Current & Future, Profitable Niches

<<Richard, I Don't Want To Wait Any Longer! Take Me To The Front Of the Queue
And Secure My 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial>>

Now, let me give you more, important info on how this thing actually works...

That’s right – not Web 2.0 – I believe this is Web 3.0.
It processes REAL, LIVE data with what my programmer calls “GAT” technology.
He tries to explain how it uses a concept called “genetic algorithms” but I won’t go into that.
You don’t need to understand the techy coding behind it.
What you need to know is that the software uses this cutting-edge technology to then...

The logic is actually quite simple...

So, for example, the software scours the entire net for crucial, live data like this...

It then processes all of the information it intercepts...
And identifies where the REAL money is moving to in the immediate future.
The entire process is then filtered out to a simple tool which is installed on the computers of our members.

You can have one click to activate software that doesn’t work.
Or you can have 27 honest clicks to activate software that can actually make you money.

Which one would you prefer?

Now let me be clear...

Nor does it involve JVs, cell phone marketing, list building, breaking PPV, ad swaps, video marketing, being a salesman, attending conferences, learning new methods every week, forum-posting, launches, breaking laws or terms of service...
....buying wallet-crushing traffic, conversions, copywriting, radio or TV, CPA offers, team building, outsourcing...and so on and so on...

What it does involve and I mentioned this earlier... covertly overpowering your competitors by sneakily beating them to the best opportunities first.

The method is simple. You log in with your username and password, you see our predictions and then you use our software to automatically and rapidly set up simple sites targeting the hot niches we predict will have commission flowing through them. I like to call these "stealth pockets of profit". One, two, three...fifteen, sixteen, can fire up as many as you like with our automated software.

All you need is just one domain name and hosting to get started. You'll then be able to unlock access to our killer methods on unleashing traffic onto your site and dominating search engines like Google. You'll be shocked by how rapidly the traffic can flow.

I want to assure you that although the ideas behind the software might sound complicated...
Using the app is so brain-dead simple and plug-and-play that just by watching this presentation this far, you haveall of the skills you’re going to need to use this easy tool on your own computer.
Now, before I come onto how you can secure a license to use this software...
I want to share some recent results with you.

I logged in literally hours later, and wow...

Less than 20 minutes from now
, you could have this thing fully installed on your computer, ready to open the ClickBank floodgates.

With Artificial Intelligence like this on your side you’ll know EXACTLY where the BIG money is.
All I did was set up one campaign on the software and it churns out crazy, regular payments like this to my bank account.
The feeling of opening up an email and discovering instant payments like this to my account is incredible!
As you can see from the dates, which are set out in European format, these are all instant payments made very recently.

Take a close look at how recent this proof is.
Take a look at how the targeted traffic rapidly floods the account once the software’s been activated.

Take a look at how that laser-targeted traffic quickly turns into rapid-fire affiliate sales...

Let’s say hypothetically you were to set up just one campaign, targeting one niche.
By the way, before my lawyer barks at me, the examples below are only showing possible results if the specified earnings per day are met. The results from this example are not typical or guaranteed.

OK, so if that campaign was to generate up to $100 a day.

Imagine setting up two campaigns, targeting the same niche or targeting two niches.
And together those campaigns were generating up to $200 a day.

With Affiliate Resurrection you can set up as many campaigns as you like.
One, two, ten, twenty, thirty...
Get ready to start seeing some REAL results...
That will solve REAL problems in your life.

Stunning 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial Of Software Which Automatically Creates Websites
Includes Cutting-Edge Traffic Techniques To Target, Current & Future, Profitable Niches

<<Richard, I Don't Want To Wait Any Longer! Take Me To The Front Of the Queue
And Secure My 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial>>

Now you might also be wondering....
Richard, if this is so great how come you’re giving it away?

Let me be frank with you.
This is more about pride than money.
I’d feel like I've let you down if I didn’t step into the arena with all the one-click hucksters.
To show the industry that REAL automated income is still possible.
Look, I don’t make any friends by exposing these guys...

I don’t know you...but I know you deserve to experience it.
This software REALLY works and it will work for YOU.
But only a small group of fast movers who jump on this opportunity before the rest, will ever see it firsthand.
I know you’re wondering how much your investment is going to be for software like this...

Even if this software generated one-hundredth of what it’s generated for me... would be the most sound investment you would have ever made in your career.
If you were to learn this information at some high priced seminar, it could cost as much as $10,000.00
Don’t freak out though, I’m not going to charge you as much as $10,000 for this.
Look, even $1,000 is a ridiculous price for software like this...
But remember I told you this is more about pride and sending a two-fingered salute to all the one-click charlatans.

Unfortunately...people don’t value something that’s free.
So I threw a $500 price tag up against the wall to see if that would stick...
But the truth is I don’t have the patience to wait for members who can fit the $500 price tag into their budget.
I’m bursting with energy and want to work with people who are ready to put this software into action TODAY.
With that in mind I hacked away at the price.
First, I dropped it to just $197...
And then I had another hack to $97. But even that didn’t feel right.
Since I want you to be able to get started today - without hesitation...

You’ll find out the shockingly low price of $49.
And if that’s still too much for you...I totally understand...I’ve been there.
By the way, let me just make this clear...

All it takes is five clicks to get your refund.
In fact let me take that guarantee up a level right now...

It’s impossible to lose here…unless you walk away empty handed.
I must admit. I’m just a little jealous...
I’ll NEVER forget the first time I experienced the rush of new money that came from using this software.
You get to LIVE it...while I get to re-live it....vicariously through you...
That’s behind me now...
But it’s in front of you...
 I want instant access to this quick-working system.
 I’m sick of worrying about paying my bills and my mortgage on time. I want to use this automated Software to ease my financial worries.
 I also understand that I'm getting access to a completely risk-free two month trial, and if I'm unhappy at ANY point during that time, I get my money back, no questions and no excuses.

Stunning 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial Of Software Which Automatically Creates Websites
Includes Cutting-Edge Traffic Techniques To Target, Current & Future, Profitable Niches)

Remember: the choice you make today may affect every day of the rest of your life.
You could start making your first profits 24 hours from now.
...or you could close this page and go back to the "dark side", desparately hoping to cash in with empty promises.
It's your call. We're waiting for you on the other side.
Yours honestly,

Thanks for your time, and I’ll see you on the flip side with instant access to Affiliate Resurrection where we’re going to set you up in 27 clicks.

Stunning 100% RISK-FREE, 60 Day Trial Of Software Which Automatically Creates Websites
Includes Cutting-Edge Traffic Techniques To Target, Current & Future, Profitable Niches)

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